My legs are still sore from yesterday so I spent a lot of time planted at my desk today. Thought now would be a good time to finally dive into some Linux. There is an extra computer laying around since I put together a new workstation/gaming pc this last year and I’ve been toying with the idea of turning it into a server.

I gave this video a watch by Jay LaCroix to get an idea of what options I had when choosing a Linux distro. After watching this video and speaking to some friends who also manage their own personal servers I decided on Ubuntu. Today’s goal was just to get the server up and running so I could SSH and FTP into it from my main rig so that the server could live headless on my network.

Using Rufus I was able to make a bootable USB installer. Plug that sucker into the soon-to-be server and boot off that boy in the bios. Ubuntu’s installation was easy and painless. It walked me through every step giving me plenty of configuration options. Setting up SSH took no effort since Ubuntu’s installer has the option to set it up for you if you opt-in during installation.



After rebooting into Ubuntu and grabbing the IP with hostname -I I hopped over to my main rig and SSHed into the machine. In awe of how easy all of this was, I popped open WinSCP and FTPed into the server as well. Pretty happy with this progress so time to do some digging into cool things I can do. I installed Docker on recommendation and will most likely migrate my Plex server over as well. I also need to do some looking around for a different case to move the build into. Need to get one with more drive bays.